The Bozeman Insight Community offers instruction, practice and fellowship in the Buddhist Vipassana or “Insight” lineage.

Centered on a commitment to personal practice, we support the development and expression of our inherent wisdom and compassion for the benefit of all beings. We practice in the Vipassana/Insight tradition, one of the three main branches of Buddhism flourishing in the west. For more about our tradition, read here.

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Join us for our weekly Sanghas

Click here to join via Zoom! Or use our Zoom meeting number: 958 657 6266 (Password: 10810)

Thursday Evenings | 7:00 – 8:30 PM | In-Person and on Zoom

General meditation, instruction and discussion. Click the button below for location, upcoming Thursday topics and more details.

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Tuesday Mornings | 10:30 – 11:30 AM | Online Only 

Kind Hearted Awareness:  Join us for guided meditations that cultivate kindness, compassion and self-compassion, joy and equanimity.

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We aim to be a welcoming refuge for all people to explore meditation, mindful living, and the teachings of the Buddha. We are committed to cultivating an appreciation of diversity and to acknowledging the need to recognize and dissolve barriers that separate us from each other. We open our doors and hearts to all social identities including, all races, genders, sexual orientations, ages, abilities, cultures, and ethnicities.

Upcoming Events

Dave Smith joins us Online!
Thursday evening, Nov 21 and Saturday, Nov 23
on Cultivating Emotional Balance


Want to know what we're offering when? Sign up for our BIC email announcements on the Dharma Center's website.

About the Bozeman Insight Community

The Bozeman Insight Community (BIC) was founded in 1996 to offer resources and support for people seeking to enhance their Insight/Mindfulness (Vipassana) Meditation practice.

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Donate to BIC

Dāna is the Pali word for the practice of giving in support of the teachings. All funds collected through this port go to support the teachers, the sangha and the center which provides our sacred space. When there is a visiting teacher, all funds collected within the week of their teaching go directly to them.


Click Here for more details on how to support our sangha, teachers and the continuation of the dharma in our community.