Working With Five Hindrances
to a Calm Mind and Meaningful Relationships
Its All Connected!
June 25th
9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Led by Floyd Fantelli
This Day-long Retreat will focus on the Buddha’s teachings on the “Five Hindrances” (Grasping, Anger, Laziness, Restless/Worry, and Doubt) and how they impact our meditation practice and personal relationships. Buddha taught several techniques to calm these hindrances and we will practice these techniques throughout the day.
The morning session will be the basis for the afternoon practice, so please plan on attending for the entire day. For more details, please see the website listing.
The suggested donation for this program is: Student/supportive rate: $10 – 25
Base rate: $30 – 40 Sustaining Rate: $45 – 75
Please choose what feels right to your circumstances, with our blessings.
For questions about this day, please email Floyd at