Rachel Lewis began practicing insight meditation in 2003, while completing her physics PhD at Yale. Since 2011, she has taught dharma and meditation classes and retreats in British Columbia and beyond. She completed the IMS/IRC 4-year teacher training in 2021, and is a guiding teacher of the British Columbia Insight Meditation Society.

Meditation, Instruction and Conversation —
with guest teachers to the Butte Zoom sangha
Sunday February 9th, 10 – 11:30 AM
Rachel Lewis returns (her the 3rd visit)
LIVE, ONLINE (just for us in Montana) These sessions are freely offered over the Butte sangha’s zoom, no need to register
Meeting ID: 567 641 174
pass code 628468s
Rachel’s dharma teaching interests include the power of music, humor, and creativity to increase our capacity for learning, as well as the way that practice supports and is supported by social justice work.
Read more about Rachel, preview her talks, or join her morning online sit here…
Sunday February 16, 10 – 11:30 AM
Ying Chen (her second visit)
LIVE, ONLINE (just for us in Montana) These sessions are freely offered over the Butte sangha’s zoom, no need to register
Meeting ID: 567 641 174
pass code 628468s
Ying is a graduate of the Sati Center Chaplaincy program and Local Dharma Leader program from Insight Meditation Center (Gil Fronsdal’s center in Redwood City, CA). She is in the 4-year IRC’s retreat teacher training program currently and is also being mentored by Dana DePalma to teach Nine bodies Insight.
Ying facilitates an Insight Meditation-based support group for people living with health challenges, co-leads an Asian Dharma Circle, and teaches classes on the Suttas hrough Dharma Ground and the IMC center.

Chiam Bryski
Chiam Bryski returns
Thursday, February 20th – 7 – 8:30 PM
Guest teacher to our weekly sangha
This evening will kick off Chaim’s 5 weeks in residence with us. No registration needed. Just drop in to the room or the zoom.

Karen DeCotis