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A Week of Nonharming (Ahimsa)

By June 23, 2016Dharma Talks

This week choose and practice one or more of the basic tenets of Nonharming described below. This will greatly strengthen mindfulness. Work with that precept daily and with meticulous care and scrutiny. Let your breath, body, mind open to this practice Then examine for yourself (from your own direct experience) the results at the end of the week. The more care and effort you put into this exercise the more wonderful the result.
1. Refraining from killing and cultivating reverence for life. Undertake for this week a determination to bring no harm in thought, word or deed, to any living creature. Particularly pay attention to the living beings that you encounter (people, animals, and insects) daily and cultivate a sense of care and concern for their well-being.
2. Refrain from taking what is not given. This week take the opportunity to be generous. If you have an impulse to give at a particular moment then act on that impulse, however small. Refrain from taking anything that is not offered to you. If there are free samples ask permission to take one. Notice the desire (if any) for a free sample.  Refrain from taking even the smallest item that is not offered.
3. Refrain from false speech. Speak only the truth. This week examine your intention  when talking about anyone who is not present. Is it skillful? Refrain from any gossip. Be meticulous in your speech so that your tone of voice and chosen words are kind, gentle, not harsh and do not cause dissention. Notice the urge to speak and be mindful of what you are about to say. Reflect on your speech after speaking. Was it truthful? Was it spoken in a kind manner and tone of voice?
4. Refrain from sexual misconduct (using sex in a way that harms you or others). This week notice how often sexual thoughts arise in your consciousness. When they arise notice the mental state that accompanies them such as desire, love, lust, loneliness, pleasure, aggression etc.
5. Refraining from intoxicants that cloud the mind and lead to unskillful behavior. For this week refrain from all intoxicants and addictive substances (alcohol, marijuana, tobacco,) and caffeine if you wish. Observe the impulses that arise that push you toward using these substances. Can you stay present with these impulses until they pass?
May you be well, happy and peaceful.  Floyd