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Mudita (Appreciative Joy) Exercises for the Week

By June 27, 2016Dharma Talks

Mudita (Pali)  (Appreciative Joy) is the joy that arises in us as a result of the happiness and good fortune of others. This is our free sample of enlightenment. Since we are so connected to others we can further develop this feeling quite easily. We are hard wired to connect with all sentient beings. We connect with their joy and make it ours too. The study of “mirror neurons” demonstrates that when we see joy in others the same areas of enjoyment are active in our brains.  I especially like the term “appreciative” joy because it means we have taken the moment to appreciate others. Mudita is said to be the most difficult of the “divine abodes” (Loving-kindness, Compassion, Appreciative Joy and Equanimity) to develop.  We should contemplate this fact and redouble our efforts to develop this quality. It’s easy to develop if we practice. Just look at the picture above and see what happens.
Mudita Practices for this week.
Each day this week make an effort (just do it!) to find some happiness in others to celebrate. It could be the good fortune or success of someone you know. Don’t make this complicated. Simply notice in your “heart center” what their joy must feel like and then notice in yourself that you are feeling it too. This quality of heart needs to be trained or it may wither in all the busyness, difficulties and frustrations of our lives.
Notice when two or more people are talking, smiling or laughing. Notice in your heart space what feelings arise. Reside in the joy that you see in others for few moments.
Waiting at a red light- Look at the people in other cars! Can you see any joy out there? Participate in this Joy!
At work and around your home. Look around, notice and open your heart space to small gestures of happiness or kindness and contentment in others. No happiness is too small to be shared! Participate in this. This is the practice of Appreciative  Joy (Mudita).
And then ask yourself this Zen Question. “If Enlightenment (and Joy) is not where you are standing, or sitting, where will you look?”             Have a most joyful week!  Floyd