The Art of Metta-Vipassana

Infusing your mindfulness practice with warmth, metta and self-compassion

A Five-Night Retreat led by Dave Smith

Sunday, October 15th  – Friday, October 20th
at the BBar Ranch in Tom Miner Basin

Vipassana meditation (insight or mindfulness practice) unites the stillness of focus with the immediacy of moment-to-moment experience.  As we learn to calm the body and mind, intuitive wisdom arises and the natural qualities of the heart bloom forth– kindness, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity.

During this silent retreat, students will be guided in deepening their literati practice in an atmosphere of kind awareness and compassionate self-support, blending the wisdom and compassion practices of the path.


Dave will offer morning instruction, guided meditations, evening talks, Q&A, small group discussions and time to process what arises. If any difficulties emerge, support and help will be available at any time.

This retreat is now full

and registration has closed.



Please email us at:

Save the dates for next year:

May 12 – 17, 2024, led by senior Insight Treacher Anushka Fernandopulle. Check her out on Dharmaseed and stay tuned for her visits by zoom.

Tempel Smith’s next residential retreat with us will be mid-October, 2024

About this Retreat

This retreat is suitable for those relatively new to meditation practice as well as those with some experience and dedication to this path. It is designed to support those who have not attended a residential retreat before, and will also be an opportunity to deepen practice for those who have. We wholeheartedly welcome people of all identities and backgrounds to participate in this retreat. We will prioritize participants from the central Montana region who do not have easier access to other residential retreat centers.

This retreat is limited to 28 people on a first come, first served basis. All meals will be vegetarian; the BBar staff can accommodate gluten-free and dairy-free needs. Our Covid protocols will require a home test the day we start, details are here.

Be advised that this venue, the BBar ranch, is at altitude and fairly remote. If you have a condition that might require medical attention quickly (beyond first aid), this may not be the retreat for you. Participants assume all liability for mental and physical health and will be asked to sign a liability waiver at check-in.

Please be sure to read our cancellation policy and our covid protocols before registering.

About Dave Smith

For nearly 30 years, Dave Smith has held a practice rooted in the Insight Meditation (Vipassana) tradition. He was empowered to teach through the Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society, is a certified teacher for Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB) which is combines contemporary emotion based scientific research with contemplative practices and psychology drawn from Buddhism and has studied Buddhist psychology at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies (BCBS).

Dave teaches residential meditation retreats, weekly live dharma classes, online courses, and workshops. He has developed educational tools and resources, including mindfulness and emotional skills trainings, in both secular and Buddhist contexts. Dave also works with students 1:1 through his dharma mentoring program.

In 2016 he founded the Secular Dharma Foundation to foster the advancement of emotional and psychological well-being through the education and integration of mindfulness, psychology, and various therapeutic modalities. Dave has brought dharma and meditative interventions into a variety of settings including jails, prisons, youth detention centers and addiction treatment facilities. Dave lives in rural Colorado with his wife and two sons.

Find out more on his website here.